

3-Coloring on a Ring

ColorRing. (spec, args, (synt, soln)

The examplespec/ColorRing.prot file specifies a bidirectional ring topology where each process wishes to obtain a different value than its neighbors. Each process has 3 colors to choose from. This is a very simple protocol and is useful for instruction.

See: examplespec/ColorRing.prot

The invariant can also be specified outside of the process definition as:

(future & silent)
  (forall i <- Nat % N : c[i] != c[i+1]);

outside of the process definition.

The commands in this tutorial should be executed from within the top-level project directory on a Linux system. First make a directory tmp/ to store some files.

mkdir tmp


Synthesize a 3-coloring protocol that works on rings of size 3, 4, and 5.

./bin/protocon -x examplespec/ColorRing.prot -param N 3..5 -o tmp/color.prot


Check if the protocol is self-stabilizing rings of size 7. It should be fine!

./bin/protocon -verify -x tmp/color.prot -param N 7

Model Checking with Spin

We can also verify this protocol’s correctness in the Spin model checker (here’s a quick setup guide). First output a model in the Promela language for a ring of 6 processes.

./bin/protocon -nop -x tmp/color.prot -param N 6 -o-promela tmp/color.pml

Now open the model in iSpin.

cd tmp
ispin color.pml

In the Edit/View tab, add the following lines to the end of the file. This defines a predicate Legit that evaluates to true in all legitimate states. There are also two temporal properties that define closure and convergence. Closure ensures that once the ring has a valid coloring, no process will change its state in a way that violates that property. Convergence ensures that from any initial state, the ring will eventually reach a valid coloring.

#define Legit
  (c[0] != c[1] && c[1] != c[2] &&
   c[2] != c[3] && c[3] != c[4] &&
   c[4] != c[5] && c[5] != c[0])
ltl Closure { [] (Legit -> [] Legit) }
ltl Convergence { [] <> Legit }

Perform a Syntax Check; there should be nothing to report. Now switch to the Verification tab so we can verify that closure and convergence hold. Under Liveness, ensure that the acceptance cycles bubble is filled. Next, under Never Claims, click use claim and type Closure for the claim name. Verify closure holds by clicking Run. Now verify that covergence holds. Can you make a change to the 3-coloring protocol that breaks closure? How about convergence?

When a problem instance is difficult, it may help to perform multiple searches at the same time using the -parallel flag. Since multiple searches are occurring simultaneously, the search progress output is hidden. This is remedied with the -o-log flag to create log files search.log.tid for each thread of index tid.

./bin/protocon -parallel -x examplespec/ColorRing.prot -param N 3..5 -o tmp/color.prot -o-log tmp/color.log

If these log files are not desired, simply do not give the flag.

To control the number of threads used at runtime, simply give a number after the -parallel flag. For example, imagine we want to use exactly 2 threads.

./bin/protocon -parallel 2 -x examplespec/ColorRing.prot -param N 5

Distributed 3-Coloring on a Ring

ColorRingDistrib. (spec, args, soln)

Distance-2 5-Coloring on a Ring

ColorRingLocal. (spec, args, soln)